Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beets are Scary to Eat.

         In the spirit of Halloween I decided to allow beets to be delivered in our produce box.  Beets are fun because they give off a beautiful color.  A little on the bloody looking side.  I decided to make roasted beets with sauteed beet greens.  Yummy recipe to me....Greg only ate them with me to support my iron intake. 
Moxy with his Transformers mask on.  He has decided that this will be his outfit and mask for Halloween. Back to the beets. 

Red Rice

This is what the final recipe turned out like.  I thought it was beautiful.  I put walnuts on top for the protein, and threw it on top of brown rice.  The recipe can be found at:

Once you started eating the beets the juices turned everything in the meal a pinkish red color.  Perfect for Halloween.

1 comment:

Kristy and Andrew said...

Yum delicious Michele! Love us some beets.

What happened to yoda?

Missing all you guys.

Kristy & Andrew