Elbow Mountain from a distance, this is my destination point, although Greg had enough gas to make it to Timbuktu. Below: These are the US Department of Fish and Wildlife and the research camp area. We met a married couple from Montana up here, the wife was studying the impact of beavers on salmon viability, and the husband worked for fish and wildlife. They say they don't see anyone this far up. The river was beautiful, and the scenery changed quite a bit from the last campsite a few weeks ago.

This wolf was standing on the gravel bar across from where we were fishing. It starred at us for some time, ate some grass, sniffed around and then left our site. It was pretty big looking.

Greg caught a big rainbow. We thought it was a comparable size to the one he caught on the Kasiglak river.

My fishing day was geared towards catching a big salmon. Dog salmon was all that I could get to bite. I saw what I believe to be king, and sockeye jumping and swimming near my lure but they would not bite. I was practically hitting the sockeye in the head with my lure, and they seemed more annoyed with me then willing to play. The color of the sockeye was bright red body with green face. There is a king fishing restriction on the kwethluk so I am not sure if I was looking at the King, so I called them pink salmon, and was trying to catch one to see what was lurking in the water that gave off such a beautiful pink glow.

Above and below: This was a big dog salmon that nearly sprained my wrist. No joke. My right arm is killing me. It took some time to get this fish in to shore. All I kept hearing Greg say was "keep reeling, don't stop reeling," and the kids were chanting "reel, reel, reel." Now I get the draw of fishing. I turned into a fishing maniac after this fish.

Same fish. pretty.

Ruby consulting with Moxy on what their game plan is going to be for the day.

This bear was swimming on a gravel bar diagonal from where we were fishing. It kind of saw us, but seemed more busy being a bear.

Greg caught an interesting colored rainbow. Very pink. we are not sure why it had turned so pink, maybe it migrated from the ocean.

We are trying out our new rain/shade shelter by Kelty. Seemed to do what we needed it to do, but we are not sure how it will hold up in stormy weather. We called it the head quarters, which really frustrated Ruby because she kept looking for quarters (coins) under it and could not find any.

Moxy playing with his boat. He had no diaper on under his shirt. He hates wearing shoes and other clothing.

Ruby enjoying wading in the water.
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