Headed up to the mountains. Very beautiful day, unusual for most of our trips. The kids are very excited about the views of the mountains in the distance. These are the same mountains that we have pictured below.

Moxy is very into chopping wood. In this picture, as he's 'practicing' he almost smacks Greg right in the head.

Moose watching us from the river bank. We were able to stare at each other for what seemed like a couple of minutes before it headed into the bushes.

Leaving Spein Mountain behind. We think this is the other side of Spein. Last year we could not get around Spein because of the low waters. Right now, and maybe this year overall the water is higher, so places that we ate gravel last year were very kind to us this year.

Just amazing, I felt like crying. Greg felt like fishing.

Big rapids, BIG ROCKS. I haven't seen rocks like this in a while. To be avoided but easy to spot.

We are looking at Golden Gate Falls, we think. We are still hoping we made it past Golden Gate and we are really looking at the Lower Falls. Very inviting to go through these falls, as what must be on the other side?

The scenery at our campsite was just fantastic.

bear tracks.

little side stream on the other side of our camp. Greg caught an 18 inch rainbow here, along with graylings.

Trying to put the kids to bed during the longest daylight period of the year is EXTREMELY tough. It feels like 7:00 in this picture, even though it is around midnight.

The kids climbed some trees for the first time and loved it!

Moxy fishing. He can actually throw his lure out there, reel it in, and do this for hours.

Dolly Varden? We are not sure.

Fishing in the bigger water.

Tundra hike. Went to check out the scenery and for Greg to test out 2 different types of .45 Colt. We climbed the hillside behind our camping area. The bugs were really bad, and for the first time, the kids wanted there bug nets on. There was some amazing views up here.

Wolf Track. And the next day we got to see our first wolf! Beautiful gray and white. It was about 40 feet away on the bank across the stream when we were fishing. We looked up and it was just there, staring at us. As soon as Greg said, "Michele look at the wolf" it turned and ran away. Huge, fast, and quiet.

Tundra hike. Bear spray in Greg's hand, and revolver in the holster.

eagle flying away from us.

Headed back to Bethel. Very nice night. The water was still and it actually did NOT rain on us for once! Good ending to a really cool adventure.
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