Introducing our new boat the sea ark. We have not named the boat yet. We decided to go with a boat that we could afford, so it comes without all the fancy stuff; such as a windshield, canopy, or a steering wheel. So far I love it. Greg has seemed to learn quickly how to drive it and manuevers around the water really well.
This is the village of Kwethluk. It is about 15 miles up river from Bethel.
Fish camp, drying king salmon.
This is a church with an orphange. It is not used anymore, but when we first moved to Bethel we knew the man that used to live here with his parents whom were Moravian Missionaries. There used to be a lot of native children who lived here many years ago. It is now abandoned. The church is just sitting in the wild along a curve of the river.
Ruby at Dorothy's fish camp playing in the mud on the beach of the river.
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