Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Eddy's River-Kwethluk.

Kwethluk River, near 3 step mountain.
Campsite, new Yurtini tent shelter.

Eddy getting ready for the day.

Hot day...too much sun.
Are these really my cute kids? I could just gobble them up.

Moxy fishing.  He has got casting down, now he needs a fish on line.


Trying really hard to catch a fish.  The water was beautiful.
Eddy taking a nap with bug net around him, the bugs were bad at times.

fishing off the boat

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"Free Tacos" from Taco Bell

Taco Bell came to Bethel, made us stand in line, flew a truck over our head, had us sign a waiver, even Eddy, filmed a commercial, then finally gave us our free taco. 

Press here for the story:

Some of the lines.

The Taco Bell waiver.

Lots of smiles, and excitement

Moxy trying to sign his name to the waiver.

Angela getting interviewed.

They would interview random people about Bethel rumors.  They brought up the Tom Cruise rumor.

Here comes a helicopter carrying a Taco Bell van.

We thought they may hit the powerline.

There was a mad rush to the Taco Bell van, luckily Ruby ran with the crowd, and I carried Moxy.

Eddy on my back.

Um, this is what we were waiting for, "I'm thirsty."

Greg gets his taco. 

Net Fishing on the Kuskikwim with Angela

Sean and Angela's wood boat.  Perfect for net fishing.

We were not trying to catch a King but we will take him.  He was so big compared to the sockeye and chums.

We fished until the tote was full.  Variety of fish in tote: King, sockeye, and chum.

Group of men fishing near us. I swear this is our old Sea Ark.

Sockeye "reds" being dried.

Angela showing us her cutting skills.  She is using a Uluk.  Greg also has some good skills.

Moxy and Elenor looking like little wild people from a forest.

Fish in brine, waiting for the smoke.

Salmon Steaks....beautiful.