Most of us were crying before these pictures, but we ended up looking pretty happy. Andrew came up in June, three years ago. I knew he would like it here. It felt natural to have him here, our missing family member. I had a feeling that he would meet Kristy. They made life very fun here. I am so happy that he is leaving with her, because this means I will get to see her for a long time to come. One last hug for Ruby. Kristy and Andrew going through security. We just kept following them and saying goodbye. Bye, Bye Andrew and Kristy.
Moxy turned 4 years old today. He's had a rough month with Ruby starting kindergarten and Eddy being born, but this seemed to be a good day for him. playing with Moxy's presents. Cole eating a hotdog. We roasted hotdogs by the fire.grandma Houston and papa have come up to visit from Oregon, and my mom stayed inside with Eddy.
We are excited about Eddy. He is a very calm baby. Ready for a bath.
Dr. Roll, she delivered all of our babies.
Eddy getting his Apgar score. Kristy making sure he is not left alone. 7 pounds 13.5 ounces Picture of Ruby and Moxy says it all. They were worried looking at first.
Wow, this picture really proves how big Moxy has grown.