Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bethel T-Ball

Ruby was able to play T-ball this year, Moxy missed getting to play by 3 months. Poor Moxy, but he lets Ruby use his glove. He really does not like watching from the sidelines.

Ruby doing drills.

At the last game, the coach told Ruby to run the bases, but she has no idea what bases are. He told her just follow the lines and he sent her out in front of the other kids. She lead the team to right field, then center field, left field and then home. It was so funny. Today when she hit the ball instead of running to first, she went after the ball that she hit completely confusing the other team.
Good game.

Monday, June 20, 2011

King Salmon have arrived-Fish Camp.

King Salmon. There are fishing restrictions currently, and to be able to fish for king opened up at midnight, and will last through Thursday. Then you cannot fish for them for a while. I guess the population of King salmon are down right now.
Ruby and Moxy have been going to the Iverson's fish camp and playing with their friend Jackson and Cole.
Cole eating nature
Carolyn cutting up a king salmon while Moxy watches with much curiosity. They let me cut some fish, but I was better at cleaning the fish once the fish was cut.
Fish drying rack. Carolyn's mother is making sure the fish are okay.

Lots of space to run, run, and run.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Logging and Gardening

Greg and Andrew headed out on Monday to go logging for a week. Maybe they will catch a king on their time off from logging.
Kristy and the kids at our row in the community garden. She helped me weed and shape it.

Ruby helping with watering.
This is what our row looked like at the end of the day. I have been growing plants inside. The first two plants are pumpkins. Then Ruby is growing some corn. We also planted zucchini, cucumber and carrots. I covered the soil with something that allows the sun into the soil and keeps the soil warm. Currently the temperature is 46 degrees and we are at June 9th.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kasiglak River Camping trip #1

trying hard to catch something.

Spein Mountain from a distance.
Little weasle came up to our camp site. He did not seem scared of us at all.

Moxy being goofy.
Ruby is so tired in these pictures. But she just keeps staying awake, drinking hot chocolate and eating marshmellows.

pretty sunset.

My first Dolly Vardon.
Rainbow trout, Greg finally caught his big fish. Greg likes sunscreen, notice his white face.
This is another one, caught right after. Greg only had about 15 minutes to fish this part of the river, because we had to get back to Bethel. It was very difficult cutting him off, as the rainbows were biting.

Big Dolly Vardon trout.

Uncle waving from the road after dropping us off.