Fire at zero degrees on a -20 windchill night. It felt overall warm by the fire. What are they looking at? Total eclipse. Andrew says that this occurrence of a lunar eclipse at the winter solstice has not happened in 400 years. Moxy trying to eat a marshmallow.
Cutting and gluing is a new favorite...messy, but they were at it for hours. Ruby has been wanting to sew, so I just gave her thick string and sewing needle and this too she will do for a long time. she designed a hat. I made Ruby a dress, she picked out the pattern, and and fabric. At first I did not like the fabric she picked out because I did not think it matched, but I really like it now. She has some good taste.
We are finally done with nursing school. For graduation we had a potluck and fiddle dance. My classmates above, minus Boris. From left to right: Kevin, Kendra, Nikki, and me. It was a fun night. Greg and I had to break out our old fiddle dance shoes. I am so happy to be done. That was a really crazy two years.